Mon to Sat: 8:00am to 9:00pm

Weight 55-60 lbs.

Length Long

Color Any solid color including white, black, gray, blue, silver, brown and apricot

Exercise >40 minutes/day

Energy level Very Energetic

Longevity 10-14 yrs.

Needs High

About the Poodles

Poodles come in three sizes or varieties: the standard (over 15 inches and 45 to 70 pounds [20 to 32 kilograms]), the miniature (10 or 11 inches to 15 inches and 12 to 20 pounds [5 to 9 kilograms]) and the toy (less than 10 inches and about five to seven pounds [2 to 3 kilograms]).

Poodles personality

Poodles are notorious for their intelligence and ease of training. They are lively, active, fun-loving dogs with a sense of the ridiculous. Poodles thrive on attention and can develop bad habits such as nuisance barking if ignored or left alone.

The smaller poodles can be aggressive to people outside their families or to other dogs. They should have early socialization to other people and pets and a firm hand in training. Poodles can be protective of their families and homes.

It should be remembered that poodles are basically hunting dogs in elegant attire and do require exercise and training to be at their best as companion dogs.

What to expect

Poodles are easy keepers, and guardians should not indulge them with treats too much. They can easily become overweight. Many poodles live a comparatively long life, with the smaller poodles reaching as much as 17 years of age, while the standards tend to live for 12 to 14 years.

Grooming is a fact of life with a poodle. With the tendency of the coat to mat, poodles should have a close clip or be groomed almost daily. Show coats require frequent baths, the tying up of topknots and ear fringes and oiling of the coat to keep it from getting brittle. A steady hand on the scissors is also important.

Poodles are good family dogs — fun, energetic, smart and easy to train. They do best with plenty of exercise for both mind and body and prefer to be with people most of the time. They are not good kennel dogs. Socialization should begin early and include other people, other pets and the grooming routine. These dogs are exceptional jumpers, so be careful with your yard fencing!


The Poodle, also called the Caniche in French or Pudel in German, is a breed of water dog categorized into four groups by size: Toy, Miniature, Medium, and Standard. Though famous for their show-ring success and aristocratic appearance, Poodles are more than just breed champions. Beneath their well-groomed exteriors and dignified demeanor lies an affectionate family companion with a rich heritage.

Originally developed for hunting waterfowl, Poodles are regarded as one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. They’re highly trainable, athletic, and well suited for just about any task you put them to — and you will want to give them tasks to do. Bored Poodles can get destructive if they aren’t physically and mentally stimulated. Beyond their intelligence, the Poodle temperament is lively, faithful, comic, athletic, and friendly. Active owners who can meet their dog’s needs will find a loving, smart, trainable, and loyal family companion.